What better way to chronicle my wanderings than through dreams? Visions? Fantasies? Yearnings?
Heh. It sounds like I've just been taking hallucinatory drugs...which, alas, is not the case.
We are traveling to Mackinac Island, Michigan, by way of Door County, Wisconsin. Yes, it is quite out of the way. However, it's a trip for nostalgia's sake, and totally Brent's idea, so I'm just going with it.
As we pull into this picturesque, quaint part of northeastern Wisconsin, I am struck by one recurring thought.
1. People around understand the meaning of service. True, most of them are in the business of hospitality, but they embody it, they live it. Clerks asked us where we were from, and then proceeded to talk to us...
liked they actually cared and like they genuinely wanted to hear our responses. It's a far cry from the big-box corporate Svengalis we're used to.
So...Dream For Today 4/17: Purchase a Bed and Breakfast and run it with the husband.
Stay tuned for tomorrow's Holy Grail...but until then...enjoy these photos of a beautiful, wonderful place - Door County, Wisconsin.
Most wineries have abbreviated hours this time of year (AKA not The Season), but luckily, this place WAS open! |
You all know my fondness for Spanish wines. Unfortunately, this bottle goes home with the husband...that means I won't be drinking it until November 2014. |
Thai Shrimp Wontons...amazing |
A meatloaf sandwich on jalapeno-cheddar bread...and a glass of Riesling! Courtesy of The Bluefront Cafe. |
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