The television show, "The Office" - ever heard of it? I personally enjoy the opening scenes of each episode...especially this one. The only thing that ties this clip to today's blog post is the mention of beets. Otherwise, there is no relevancy whatsoever except that I wanted to try embedding a video from YouTube. And it worked, so let's count that as Success #1. Success #2 includes the vegetable mentioned in both The Office clip and my blog entry title today. Beets. Up until the last couple of years, I never gave beets much thought. Most of the time I saw beets on salad bars in pickled form...and that just didn't excite me. Until I learned about roasting them. And then all of a sudden, beets were amazing and delicious! And they are beautiful, too. (Although, a word of caution, wear gloves when you work with them - you'll be grateful later) And here was my latest brainstorm...I bought three beets earlier in the week, and ...
"People who love to eat are always the best people." - Julia Child