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A Series of Unfortunate Events

...that I would like to get forget about forever and ever and ever.

It is my hope that I've been missed here at 'Be Food', and that you've all been maintaining a midnight vigil until my return...but I suppose that would be too much to ask.

Where do I begin to explain where the hell I've been the last month-plus?

Well, I'm not sure if I ever said here, but I was struck mad by some kind of cold-swollen throat virus sometime mid-to-late May.  I felt so poorly that I actually went to the island medical center...where I was told that I would just have to wait it out and keep taking over the counter medications to assuage the pain.

Pssht.  I should have just called my mom.  She would have said the same thing, and I wouldn't have had to pay for it.  Or rather, my insurance.

 For three days in a row after this, I slogged my way through work (thankfully we weren't terrifically busy yet), and then I came straight home, guzzled an adult amount of Nyquil, and slept until the next morning (kind of like in a regenerative Wolverine-esque fashion).  And after about a week and a half, I was finally on the mend.  Just in time for the beginning of the month of June.

Then, I started having laptop issues.  Like, I'd reboot in the morning, and I'd get a blank white screen instead my icons and information.  Some feverish texting happened between the husband and I...I tried this suggested tip and that strategy and nothing brought my laptop back into a state of viability.  I finally unplugged the piece and let it sit until Brent could look at it further for me (during a vacation visit in late June). 

In the midst of all this, I was "impelled" to move to a different room here at the housing complex I live in.   Let's just say that my move was due to an infestation...of the crawling parasitic type.  About a week after I'd gotten over my illness, I began to notice itchy spots on random parts of my body.  I didn't think much of it at first, because it's happened at home, too...wayward spiders creeping on me while I sleep, you know?  But the itching persisted, so I bought some Raid and fumigated my entire room.  On a whim, I removed all my bedsheets and sprayed the bed down, and that's when I saw the critters.

Anyone who knows me well (really well, that is) knows that this type of incident is like my worst nightmare come true.  It is my kryptonite, my Achilles' heel.  Give me heights, snakes, spiders any day of the week...but put me in a closed room with filthy microscopic blood-sucking parasites (ticks, mites, lice, bedbugs), and I will go irrationally freakout-batshit crazy.

Anyway, I informed the manager of the complex, and I was promptly moved to a new room.  And it was luxe...double (maybe triple) the size of my old room, my own bathroom, nice big closet space, AND a kitchenette.  However...dreams only last for so long.  A week and a half later, my old room had been seriously stripped down and fumigated and ready for my re-inhabitation.  Welcome back, welcome back, welcome baaaaack.

So, that left the laptop issue.  Two weeks ago, while Brent and the kids were here, we made plans to take the gadget to Petoskey, MI, to an Mac repair place...when lo and behold, the first time Brent powered it on, it worked like nothing was wrong with it.  Remember, it had been unplugged for two weeks (during which time I'd had no access to this blog)!  So, the trip to the repair place was nixed, and i'llbedamned if the laptop didn't start misbehaving again after that.  Well, the trip to Petoskey was not feasible for another week, but eventually we got it there, and my laptop was finally fixed and restored and returned to me on the Fourth of July. 

Happy Birthday, America!

Supposedly, that which does not kill us makes us stronger.  And I suppose that's true.  But I can't help feeling there was quite a bit of burden heaped upon my shoulders in a short space of time...and ultimately, that made me cranky and want to go home really bad.  But since I won't be doing that anytime soon, let it suffice for me to say that I have lots to tell you, enough for several catch-up blog posts...not to mention pictures!  Stay tuned.


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