Alas. Tough lesson learned this past weekend regarding the dangers of testing a recipe in mid-summer...that you clipped the winter past. I was very excited to try this recipe: Beet-Braised Short Ribs . But, beets are a winter vegetable, and derned near impossible to find in the fresh, natural state in the summer. I was left with two options: go without or go canned. Neither was an exciting choice. In the end, I opted for canned, and I'll be frank with how that turned out. But, first - meat. These are short ribs, English-cut. Rib bones surrounded by fatty, meaty goodness. Very, very tough eats, though. They are located on the part of the cow that gets a bit of exercise, what with walking to pasture, standing in pasture, walking to another pasture, etc. The muscle is quite lean, which makes for a tough chew if its subjected to direct heat cooking methods (grill, roast, etc.) That's why short ribs are perfect for braising....
"People who love to eat are always the best people." - Julia Child