If you live in the midwestern United States, there are a few things you know to be true. a.) Seafood, which you love, is expensive...and if it's not, then the quality is doubtful. b.) People who live outside the Midwest aren't usually quite sure where exactly your state is located. They know general area, but Iowa is Idaho is Ohio is North Dakota for them...and it's totally whatever, you know. c.) Weather is a capricious, capricious thing. Snow one day, sixty degrees and sunny the next. After the first day of spring a couple of weeks ago, we were hit by five inches of snow shortly afterwards...Mother Nature's way of reminding us not to put our faith in psuedo-prophetic burrowing rodents. Of course, the snow was gone in about three days - and I think I can finally, finally say that spring is definitely, permanently, here. And when I think of spring, I think of asparagus. I am preparing a Celebration of Spring event for the winery next month (see link here...
"People who love to eat are always the best people." - Julia Child