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Showing posts from January, 2013


So, the detox was a four-day one.  And that fourth day was this past Saturday.  That meant that Day Five could be a return to regularly scheduled bad eating habits... Wait.  What?  No.  Urm.  Did I say that out loud?  I knew, deep-down, I was not ready for a long-term commitment to this detox diet.  Four days without coffee, wine, meat, and a little sugar?  Boy howdy, no!  I'd go crazy within the week. However, I was loathe to undo all the good work I'd spent the last four days doing.  I needed a compromise - and it looked something like this: - stay off the soda.  Both of us.  However, I could do coffee, though not to excess. - resume eating as usual, with keener attention to preparation, recipes, etc.  The idea was to keep meals as simple as possible. Sunday involved a trip to our state's capital, to an Olive Garden, and the newest, showiest grocery store in the state.  I felt that I did well...the U...

Day 3 of the Detox

Basically, here we are, day three of our four-day diet cleanse, and here's the insights I've gleaned so far: 1. Day One was a breeze...because we were high on the idea of cleansing, getting healthy, etc., and that carried us through the day.  Side note: Let it not be forgotten, though, around 2:30 p.m., Brent and I were hit with terrible caffeine-withdrawal headaches. 2. Day Two is not a breeze.  We came down from our beginner's high, and spend much of the day either tired, headachy from lack of food/caffeine, or thinking about food. Side note: This is good.  It's our body's way of punishing us for the crap we put into it over the last few weeks/months/decades. 3. Day Three is mostly awesome.  No headaches from caffeine withdrawal, and we feel pretty confident that We Can Do This...Though, Not Forever.  We have more energy, are more alert and with it. Side note: Also, bowel movements become, once a day.  We're not craving foods ...

Food: The Worst Habit of All?

I know, I know.  The title of this blog and the title of this particular blog entry seem to be at odds.  And I should clarify.  Food itself is not a bad habit, but it can become so.  Especially when it comes to habits and routines. To get rid of the sluggy weight we've been lugging around over the holidays, Brent and I are doing a 4-day detoxifying diet cleanse.  I pieced together some things I found online (found here The Organic Beauty Blog ), and basically, here are the primary concepts: 1. No processed, refined, artificial foods (this includes processing done at home). 2. No caffeine or alcohol. It sounds simple, and really, it is the way we should all be eating (although I've missed by proteins). This morning for breakfast, we both had a smoothie, which consisted of mostly greens like spinach, arugula, etc., raspberries, pineapple, and a little agave nectar for flavor. Lunch was a garbanzo bean salad wrapped in romaine lettuce.   We had...

2013 Is Here, and So Am I!

Laissez les bon temps the French say...let the good time times roll!  One of my New Year's Resolutions is to seriously think about (and then enact) a real and present purpose for my two blogs here at blogspot.  Honestly, I haven't blogged at for several months now, and I'm hanging on by a dear thread here at Be Food.  And while I don't like the idea of discontinuing the blogs, I'm trying to simplify things as much as possible around here, especially while I'm in school.  Anyway, onto the pictures.  This year's Christmas Day dinner theme was Cajun.  We spent the holiday in Texas with my brother, and he and I went back and forth on a theme.  Italian - no.  Mexican - no.  Eclectic - no.  He finally let slip that he was deep-frying the turkey Cajun-style, and I said that's it...there's the theme.  And here's the menu: The turkey attempts to put up a fight before going...