Tomorrow is the beginning of August. August 1st. For me, it's hard to think of August in any other way besides The Month In Which I Start Working Again. This year, however, August will be a little different. As far as this blog goes, August is No-Breakfast Cereal Month here at Chez Nelson. We've been without the ubiquitous grain product for about a week and a half it's not like we're going cold turkey. This morning's grocery cart did not look much different than any other week: another dozen eggs, an extra muskmelon, a few more cartons of yogurt... I did not do any make-ahead dishes in preparation for this, for this first week, it looks like toast, scrambled/poached eggs, pancakes, yogurt, and fruit will headline the morning meal. Have a great week!
"People who love to eat are always the best people." - Julia Child