I'm back! Well, relatively speaking. In three days, I will leaving for ten days as I vacation to Alaska with my entire family. However, I will try to jam-pack the next three days with some culinary goodness for all my readers. Let's see. School is now out, and I have not quite caught the cooking bug like I thought I might. I attribute this to a general lack of ambition; with the impending trip, I am in "scavenge" mode...getting creative with the contents of my freezer and pantry items. In addition to the Memorial Day holiday, this weekend marks the last grocery shopping trip for this month...and you know what that means, end-of-month totals!! But, first, the weekly pie chart. First of all, we did go camping this holiday weekend, and because of that, certain categories tend to be inflated, such as "Snacks" and "Beverages". The meat purchased this week was only cold cuts, which will provide lunch for my children who are now home for th...
"People who love to eat are always the best people." - Julia Child