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Showing posts from May, 2016

Zero to Sixty

Zero: A pretty leisurely Tuesday morning.  A little of this, a little of that.  A moment where I actually can lounge on my couch and read. 20: A friend of mine and my daughter drive about four hours to Kansas City to see Florence + The Machine in concert.  Amazing performer, amazing time. 40: Drive home early the next day so that Kirby can get to drivers' ed and I can get WanderLunch ready for a catering event. 50: Complete the catering event (despite electrical snafu) and rise early the next day (today) to get WanderLunch ready for another big day: a new, more centralized location that's more accessible to our town's professionals. 60: Rock out a Thursday-record-breaking 78 sandwiches despite another electrical issue and you know, running out of things called Food. I feel freaking good right now, readers.  I have no real tangible way to explain it...just that it feels like that grimy kind of visceral satisfaction that comes with working your ass off . Wanna s

We Welcome Summer!

I have been out of education for nearly five years now...but I still get that anticipatory tingle of excitement when school lets out for the summer.  Probably because I still have kiddos in the system, and probably because I feel like FINALLY the craziness of spring will abate somewhat... But, deep down, I think it's because summer represents endless possibilities.  With a bit of blue sky and sunshine...anything is possible.  EVERYTHING is possible.  I felt that way when I was a kid...and I still feel that way now.  I hope I feel that way in thirty years. We're still dealing with spring activities here, and so two kids will still attend soccer practices.  The golf season is over, so now Child #1 can help shuttle sister and brother around.  But, ultimately, there will be more Five-Face time around the dinner table.  Menu-wise?  Still sorting that out.  Definitely more grill action and lighter fare.  More vegetables and fruits.  More board games. More walks at night. More o


So this is what having free time is like.  A leisurely Friday night.  A Georgia Mule.  And some time and creative energy to blog. Sincerely, folks, I think about you all every day.  I think about why I'm not blogging...and it all really boils down to two things. 1. I don't want to.  I have a life...and boy howdy, is it full right now.  Three kids, three different sports activities.  Boy Scouts, Student Council, part-time jobs.  Not to mention, a six-day workweek.  When I'm not bartending, I'm thinking about, planning for, prepping for, or operating my food truck.  Some nights I barely have enough energy to sit down and play Level 500 of my Cupcake Mania iPhone game. 2. I have nothing to blog about.  I'm not about to waste bandwidth on the Jimmy John's tuna sandwich I ate whilst shuttling Child #3 to soccer.  Nor do I feel like going on about the random kitchen-sink chili I threw in the crockpot that morning. I'm not trying to rationalize or justify.