Hurrah...hurrah. The eggs go marching one by one, the little one stop to suck his thumb...and they all go marching the get out of the rain. My oldest son used to love singing this song when he was little. Except, we would sing "ants" instead of "eggs". Nowadays, he prefers Maroon 5 and Macklemore. Alas. Oh. My teenage sources inform me: It *is* supposed to be ants instead of eggs. In the song. Okay. But, that's the beauty of one-syllable words. Makes song lyric substitution a beautiful thing. So. Easter. Rabbits. Fertility. Rebirth. Eggs. I like hard-boiled eggs. Cooked just right, bright yellow yolk, little salt and pepper...? Yes. And when someone brings huevos de diablo to the family potluck, I enjoy them that way too. In fact, they often are one of the first things to disappear...especially if Brent is present at the same family potluck. ...
"People who love to eat are always the best people." - Julia Child