I have suffered only one breakdown/panic attack in the almost-week I've been in Iowa. That one occurred on Friday when I felt compelled to tidy up the laundry room...and became completely and utterly overwhelmed by the amount of, pardon my French, shit my family and I have managed to accumulate over the years. The piles of clutter were insurmountable and I felt like I would never be able to conquer them. Ever. So I hyperventilated. I panicked. I cried. I freaked out on my husband. It was a very sad Friday, indeed. But, I managed to pull myself up by the shoestrings on my Asics and get on with it. And I ended up having a great weekend. Of course, it helps that it was, like, an unseasonably 82 degrees here in Iowa...which allowed me to do this: Brent and I have decided to do our grocery shopping biweekly, as opposed to once a week. Perhaps it seems like a waste of time, but we found we were dealing with more spoilage or menu...
"People who love to eat are always the best people." - Julia Child