...you make Meyer Lemon Cake! There's an oft-used, New-Agey belief out there that holds that if one can imagine something happening, then indeed, that thought will come to fruition. The "So Mote It Be" principle, I guess we can call it - the minute a picture or idea etc. comes into our brains is the minute it begins to become real. Well, it happened to me this weekend. With these. I first read about Meyer lemons in Alice Waters' The Art of Simple Food , oh, sometime last summer. Then, I came across mention of them in other food reading and recipes. A lemon-mandarin orange hybrid and sweeter, smaller than regular lemons, they seemed like an exotic California staple that I'd never come across here in the Midwest. Until Sunday, when I was doing groceries at the local Walmart (I know, I know). Right there, in the produce aisle...with a celestial beam of light shining upon it, was this: Heck yes, I snapped it up like nobody's business (did I j...
"People who love to eat are always the best people." - Julia Child