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Showing posts from December, 2012

Soldiering On

You know how there are those certain events in your life in which, when they happen, you know you change in a little, tiny, nearly imperceptible way? The news of the shooting at an elementary school in Connecticut is one of those events for me.  My heart hurts desperately for every single one of those families that will not have their little ones with them at Christmas. I can't even think of how to reconcile the shooter's actions with what I've believed to be true in this world.  I used to think there were some things that were sacred...that nobody, no matter how sick, would knowingly shoot people in a mall or a church or a school... or any place little kids were.  All of that has been shattered...where are the safe places now? Every day I understand this world less and less...and I know I'm not meant to.  Things unfold as they should.  But I wonder how I go on from here.  Is it disrespectful to those who've died if I say I want to turn off my computer, intern

Better Late Than Not At Any Time

Well, aren't I a bit dilatory?  I could offer a hundred excuses on why I've not posted for a few weeks, but I won't waste your time.  I just haven't posted here...that's all. What's new: I'm still enrolled in culinary arts school.  I've just finished the third week of the second term.  My 4.0 GPA first term was enough to land me on the President's List, and I'm motivated to keep that streak alive. Second term looks like this: Garde Manger Cold Food Principles Culinary Nutrition Food Service Lab 2 Introduction to Business The classical culinary arts definition of the French phrase "Garde Manger" is something along the lines of "food produced in the cold kitchen".  This broad interpretation includes: salads, salad dressings, cold sauces and soups, sandwiches, charcuterie (cold meats), condiments, pickled and marinated foods, vegetables, fruits, cheeses, pates and terrines. So yeah, the first six weeks of this cl