French for "everything in its place". Or as a colleague of mine says... "todo en su lugar". "Mise en place" is the pre-preparation activity that goes on before the actual baking, cooking, or assembling. You know, before you make cookies, you get out the flour, the sugar, the butter, the eggs, the chips, etc? That way, you're not running around the kitchen, grabbing things willy-nilly from the fridge or pantry as you're trying to bake. This concept of having everything in its place before beginning any kitchen project has been oft-reinforced at school. And's starting to seep into my behaviors in my home kitchen. As it should be, right? But...that's not all. I'm also enrolled in a Safety and Sanitation course...and much of that info is now rolling around in my mind as I prepare food. Gads! This morning, I was preparing a Pizza Casserole Take and Bake dish for a New Mom friend of mine. Two months ago, I would have ...
"People who love to eat are always the best people." - Julia Child