Harry Potter is 32 years old today. Huzzah! With seven books, eight movies, numerous video and computer games, and the juggernaut that is known as licensed merchandise, the odds of someone having no clue who Harry Potter is are roughly the same as the ones that I will ever meet Matt Damon. My guess is that anyone in the world who says they've never heard of Harry Potter is lying...because for some reason, it's cool to admit it. What a delusional world they live in... A few weeks' ago, when I was obligated to read a couple of crummy (nicest word I can muster) books called The Marriage Plot and Fifty Shades of Grey ...I turned to the Harry Potter series to help clear out the literary ickies. And just like a Lay's potato chip, I couldn't have just one. I reread the whole series in less than a month...and while I was at it, I watched all the movies for good measure too. With that kind of obsession under my belt, it's no shocker that I know today is Harr...
"People who love to eat are always the best people." - Julia Child