If there's one thing I've learned during the writing of this blog, it's that I've lived a very sheltered life, culinarily and nutritionally speaking. Kale is another vegetable I never had growing up. It's the weird, really curly stuff I'd see in the vicinity of the cabbage and spinach (vegetables I didn't have very often as a child, either). I never really knew if it was a stiff kind of parsley or romaine lettuce. And for years (even into my thirties, I freely and ashamedly admit), I confused kale and kelp. That's an ignorant landlubber for ya. At any rate, I was never impelled to pick up a bunch of kale for any reason...which is too bad, because it's REALLY good for you and versatile and stuff. Until now (not being impelled to pick up kale, that is). First, though, let me explain how it came about: 1. Husband receives an iPad for his birthday (this last February). 2. Tech-savvy husband uploads a bunch of free, fun apps onto iPad (inc...
"People who love to eat are always the best people." - Julia Child